Hospital compare
Hospital compare

hospital compare

  • Imaging efficiency patterns, care transitions, ED-throughput efficiency, care coordination, and patient safety.ĬMS first publicly reported data on hospital quality measures on a web site called Hospital Compare.
  • Patient experience of care is measured by a national, standardized survey of hospital patients about their experiences during a recent inpatient hospital stay. This is also referred to as HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems).
  • Outcome measures are measures designed to reflect the results of care, rather than whether or not a specific treatment or intervention was performed.
  • Providing this information allows consumers to compare the performance of a health care provider to other providers in their state and the nation. These measures convert patient medical record information into percentages and/or rates of performance.
  • Process of care measures are measures that show whether or not a health care provider gives recommended care based on guidelines, standards of care or practice parameters that is, the treatment known to give the best results for most patients with a particular condition.
  • hospital compare

    The Hospital IQR Program was established by Section 501(b) of the Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 and extended and expanded by Section 5001(a) of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. The Hospital OQR Program was mandated by the Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006.Ĭare Compare currently provides quality measure information on:


    Most of the participants are short-term acute care hospitals that will receive a reduction to the annual update of their Medicare fee-for-service payment rate if they do not participate by submitting data or meet other requirements of the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program and the Hospital Outpatient Reporting (OQR) Program. Only data from Medicare-certified hospitals are included on Care Compare. The hospitals displayed on Care Compare are generally limited to Acute Care Hospitals, Acute Care Veteran’s Hospitals, Department of Defense Hospitals, Critical Access Hospitals, and Children’s Hospitals.

    hospital compare

    Hospital Care Compare displays hospital performance data in a consistent, unified manner to ensure the availability of credible information about the care delivered in the nation’s hospitals. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the nation’s hospitals work collaboratively to publicly report hospital quality performance information on Care Compare website located at and the Provider Data Catalog on. We’ve also improved Medicare’s compare sites.


    Hospital Care Compare and Provider Data Catalog Now available! Our new Provider Data Catalog makes it easier for you to search & download our publicly reported data.

    Hospital compare